The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué

The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué

The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas, Weekly Communique

Communiqué #480 January 26, 2012




Sign Up for Pre-Convention Meeting Space

Friday, Feb. 17, at St. Mark's, Little Rock

Rooms will be available at St. Mark's Episcopal Church for groups which would like to meet on Friday afternoon (1–2:30 p.m.), Feb. 17, the day Convention begins. Please email Wanda Dunwoody to reserve space.

Resolutions for Diocesan Convention

If delegates to convention or members of the clergy wish to submit a resolution for consideration by the convention, it needs first to be sent to the Resolutions Committee. Please email the Rev. Danny Schieffler, rector of St. Mark's in Little Rock and chair of the Resolutions Committee, any resolution that you want considered. Visit the convention web page for more information.

Anonymous 4

Wednesday, Feb. 1, at Christ Church, Little Rock

The world-famous vocal group Anonymous 4 will perform at Christ Church on Wednesday, Feb. 1, at 7:30 p.m. Renowned for their unearthly vocal blend and virtuosic ensemble singing, the four women of Anonymous 4 combine historical scholarship with contemporary performance to create their magical sound. All tickets are $20 and may be purchased in advance through the Christ Church Bookstore. Email the bookstore or call 501-537-1698 for more. Tickets will also be available the night of the performance.

"There Is More to You Than You Think"

A Seminar Led by Bishop Larry Maze

St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Little Rock invites everyone to join Friday, Feb. 3–Saturday, Feb. 4 for this seminar which explores the inner spiritual journey employing Jungian spirituality to help discover parts of yourself you never knew existed. The cost for the seminar is $35 per person and includes lunch on Saturday. You may pay at the door or online. Register and learn more on St. Mark's website.

Men of the House Event

Thursday, Feb. 16, at Trinity Cathedral

This is an opportunity for men from across the diocese to come together for fun and fellowship, and to support St. Francis House. The event will take place Thursday, Feb. 16 (the evening before Convention begins) at Trinity Cathedral in Little Rock. The keynote speaker will be Bill Valentine, former general manager of the Arkansas Travelers and a former major league umpire. For more information, visit the Men of the House 2012 website.

Upcoming Events
Jan. 29 Bishop visits Trinity, Pine Bluff
Jan. 31 Executive Council meeting
Jan. 31 Board of Trustees meeting
Feb. 5 Bishop visits St. James', Magnolia
Feb. 12 Bishop visits St. James', Eureka Springs
Feb. 12 Canon visits St. John's, Helena
Feb. 14 Fresh Start
Feb. 17–18 Diocesan Convention
Feb. 19 Bishop visits St. Luke's, North Little Rock
Feb. 26 Canon visits Trinity, Van Buren
View the full Diocesan Calendar.

If you have questions or would like to submit information about an event for publication in the Communiqué, email Beth Matthews in the bishop's office or call 501-372-2168.

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