• Parochial Reports

    The Parochial Report was established by the Constitution and Canons of the National Church as a tool for the collection of data that is intended to assist the Church in planning for mission. To file online, visit pr.dfms.org and enter the UserID and PIN that was issued for your congregation. In case you forgot your PIN or you need any assistance completing the form, contact Mary Jane Hodges in the bishop’s office at 501-372-2168 or email her at mjhodges@episcopalarkansas.org.

    Please note that parochial reports should be submitted on or before March 1 of each year.

  • Congregational Commitments

    Your congregation's pledge supports the work of the Episcopal Church in Arkansas and beyond. The Executive Council-approved standard for 2023 is 10.5% of a congregation's 2022 operating income.

  • Vestry and Officers Report

    An annual report to be submitted by each church listing all current vestry members, as well as officers—senior warden, junior warden, treasurer—for that year. This information will be used to keep email and contact information up to date, and to notify the correct person in each congregation.

  • The Ordination Process

    In the Diocese of Arkansas, a person interested in ordination as a deacon or a priest should begin conversations with the priest in charge of that person’s local congregation.