Church Staff Reports, Vestry Reports

Church Staff Reports, Vestry Reports

The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas

Dear <<First Name>>,

By Feb. 15, each church needs to complete and submit two reports: a Church Staff Report and a Vestry and Officers Report. In contrast to previous years when these reports were mailed to each congregation, this year both report forms are available for download as Excel documents on the diocesan Annual Commitments & Reports web page. Please fill in all requested information, save a copy of the completed form, and email it to the diocesan office. (The Church Staff Report should be emailed to Mary Jane Hodges; the Vestry and Officers Report should be emailed to Beth Matthews. The email addresses are on the reports.)

Church Staff Report
The Church Staff Report is an annual listing of all current staff members, both clergy and lay, as well as salary, insurance, and pension information. This information will be used to ensure that members of the clergy have the correct salaries on file with the Church Pension Fund and that employees are receiving benefits in compliance with General Convention resolutions. No names or personal information will be disclosed to outside organizations.

>> Download the Church Staff Report form now.

Vestry and Officers Report
The Vestry and Officers Report is an annual listing of all current vestry members, including officers—senior warden, junior warden, treasurer, clerk. This information will be used to keep email and contact information up to date, and to notify the correct person in each congregation for future activities.

>> Download the Vestry and Officers Report form now.

If you have any questions, please email Beth Matthews in the diocesan office or call her at 501-372-2168.


Larry R. Benfield

Our mailing address is:
The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas
P.O. Box 164668

Little Rock, AR 72216

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The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas · P.O. Box 164668 · Little Rock, AR 72216


The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué


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