Nurturing Fertile Soil

The 153rd Annual Convention

of the Diocese of Arkansas

Little Rock, Arkansas

February 14-15, 2025

‘Then he took a seedling from the land, placed it in fertile soil; a plant by abundant waters.’  Ezekiel 17:5

General concept idea and artistic info:

Nurturing Fertile Soil (Ezekiel 17:5)

… then he took a seed from the land, placed it in the fertile soil.

Artistic Concept:

The concept is that Christianity is the seed and we as Christians are called to spread the word multiplying the words of Christ to love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and soul and your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:37)

Dove: stands both for Purity and peace and birds in general stand for the winged soul. A descending dove represents the Holy Ghost.

Vine: stands for God’s relationship with humanity

Cedar trees: represent beauty and majesty and the symbol of Messiah’s and his kingdom (Ezekiel 17: 22-24)

Olive trees: represent peace

The border is in celebration of Arkansas new Bishop, John Harmon


Procession of Clergy



Bishop John T.W. Harmon with

The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas’ Kids!


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  • Ministry Exploration: Introduction to Discernment

    Ministry Exploration: Introduction to Discernment, and Gathering for Aspirants, Postulants, and Candidates

    Presenter: the Rev’d. Mary Vano, and Christy Glaze

  • Vestry: Leading with Purpose

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  • Small & Rural Churches Initiative: Collaborative Partnership

    Presenter: the Rev’d. Dr. Jason Alexander