EYC Arkansas
We are the Episcopal Youth Community in Arkansas, which gathers youth from all over the state to explore how we can better respond to Christ in the world.
We are teenagers and adults who gather from all over Arkansas to explore how we can better respond to Christ in the world.
Important things to us are:
Safe, supportive communities open to all.
Exploring the relationship between ourselves and God, ourselves and others, and learning more about ourselves as beloved of God.
Living into our baptismal covenant and Episcopal identity.
Respecting the dignity of every human being.
Having a whole lot of fun.
If you are interested in more information about Diocesan Youth Ministry in Arkansas, please contact the Rev. Canon Jason Alexander at jalexander@episcopalarkansas.org or 501-372-2168.
Join us for AYE, our twice-a-year youth retreat open to 6th-12th grade youth and their friends. During our youth events, we play games, hike, dance, sing, pray, laugh, and much more within about 40 hours. It's an amazing experience! The retreat is open to all youth across the state and costs $130. If you need financial assistance, partial scholarships are usually available at your local church and may also be available from the diocese. Reach out to your church leader first, and then to the diocese. Register for the next event at: Arkansas Youth Event Page
The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas has 4 seats open to youth to be Delegates to Diocesan Convention. These spots are filled byu Sr. High youth who have been confirmed. They are typically filled at the fall Youth event.
Each month our youth ministers meet on zoom and also connect through a closed Facebook Group. To join this email Emma Mitchell at emma@trinityLittlerock.org.
EYCArkansas is excited this year to get back to having a Diocesan Youth Commission. This is a group of up to 12 youth from all over the state who are in the 9th-12th grade and help plan and lead Diocesan Youth Events.
In particular, the DYC:
Assist with the Fall youth event as small group and cabin leaders.
Plans the schedule for the Spring Youth event at an in-person leadership training weekend before the event.
Designs the T-shirt.
Helps promote the events.
Assists in leading small groups and games at the events.
Assist with cabin leadership also
DYC Members should be:
Active in an Episcopal Church in some way.
Available to be at both youth events
Able to arrive early to help with setup and welcome
To Apply go to: DYC Application