The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué

The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué

The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas, Weekly Communique

Communiqué #481 February 2, 2012


Bishop Benfield

A Message from Bishop Benfield

Putting Our Money Where Our Heart Is

This past Tuesday the diocesan Executive Council approved the 2012 budget for the Episcopal Church in Arkansas. It shows about $1 million in tithes from congregations and about $200,000 in income from endowment funds, plus some additional minor income sources.

But more importantly, the planned expenditures of $1.3 million reflect a clear focus on leadership, evangelism, and improving our connections with one another. Every line item in one way or another reflects the vision of a church that is healthy and focused on proclaiming good news to the people of this state and beyond. At diocesan convention we will talk in detail about what planned expenditures hope to achieve and how we can all find new ways to be a part of proclaiming the good news with which we are entrusted.

I thank each of the congregations for the decisions by their vestries to support the work of the larger church, and I thank each of you for your support of your local congregation. I have always said that giving away our money is good for our souls. I commit to making certain that we in the church remain good stewards of the gifts that you share with us.


Bishop's signature




Nominate College Delegates to Convention

** Deadline: Feb. 3 **

Nominate a college student for one of three seats at diocesan convention. (There are also up to three college alternates.) To be eligible, a nominee must be a confirmed Episcopalian and a full-time student at a university or college. To nominate yourself or someone you know, please fill out the online form. For any questions or more information, please email Randall Curtis.

Clergy Spouse Brunch at Diocesan Convention

Saturday, Feb 18, at 10 a.m.

All clergy spouses are invited to attend a brunch on Saturday morning, Feb. 18, during diocesan convention. It will be held in the Episcopal Collegiate Lower School library at 10 a.m. Please RSVP by emailing Judy Schieffler or calling 479-883-6874.

Resolutions & Nominations for Convention

If delegates to convention or members of the clergy wish to submit a resolution for consideration by the convention, or if anyone would like to nominate a person for an open position, please visit the convention web page.

Get Your Group's Info in Convention Packets

Does your group have a handout or other collateral material that you would like included in convention packets? If so, please contact Lucy Jackson for more information. You can email her or call her at 501-664-2393.

'The Cross' – A Multimedia Exhibit

Feb. 1–March 30, at Christ Church, Little Rock

Arts@CC hosts an exhibit of interpretations of the cross in painting, sculpture, photography and stained glass. It includes works by Wes McHan, Melverue Abraham, Sr. Maria Liebeck, Betsy Woodyard, Susan Peterson, Janet Copeland, Lynn Frost, and Mark Alderfer. An opening reception will be held Friday, Feb. 10, from 5–8 p.m., and the exhibit will be on display from Feb.1–March 30.

Winterstar 2012

Senior High, Feb. 24–26

Junior High, March 2–4

Registration for Winterstar 2012 is going strong. You still have time to register online. The theme this year will be "You are Chosen."

One very exciting development: A small group of youth at senior high Winterstar will be filmed and the resulting video will be used to develop a curriculum sold throughout the Episcopal Church and other denominations. If you are interested in being part of this small-group discussion, you can apply online. (You must also register separately to attend Winterstar.) For questions and information, email Randall Curtis.

Upcoming Events
Feb. 5 Bishop visits St. James', Magnolia
Feb. 12 Bishop visits St. James', Eureka Springs
Feb. 12 Canon visits St. John's, Helena
Feb. 14 Fresh Start
Feb. 17–18 Diocesan Convention
Feb. 19 Bishop visits St. Luke's, North Little Rock
Feb. 26 Canon visits Trinity, Van Buren
March 4 Bishop visits St. John's, Harrison
View the full Diocesan Calendar.

If you have questions or would like to submit information about an event for publication in the Communiqué, email Beth Matthews in the bishop's office or call 501-372-2168.

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The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué


The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué