The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué

The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué

The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas, Weekly Communique

Communiqué #482 February 9, 2012

  View Diocesan Nominations

Register for Convention Submit a Resolution Convention Schedule




**Submit Names for Remembrance at Convention**

Diocesan Delegates, Committee Members, and Clergy Who Died in 2011

During the opening Eucharist of diocesan convention, a list those who died the previous year and who had served on a diocesan committee, as a delegate or alternate to diocesan convention, or as clergy is read aloud. Please email Beth Matthews with the names of those in your parish who should be included.

Men of the House Event

Thursday, Feb. 16, at Trinity Cathedral

This is an opportunity for men from across the diocese to come together for fun and fellowship, and to support St. Francis House. The event will take place Thursday, Feb. 16 (the evening before Convention begins) at Trinity Cathedral in Little Rock. The keynote speaker will be Bill Valentine, former general manager of the Arkansas Travelers and a former major league umpire. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit the Men of the House 2012 website. Men of the House logo

Clergy Spouse Brunch at Diocesan Convention

Saturday, Feb 18, at 10 a.m.

All clergy spouses are invited to attend a brunch on Saturday morning, Feb. 18, during diocesan convention. It will be held in the Episcopal Collegiate Lower School library at 10 a.m. The brunch is sponsored by St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Little Rock. Please RSVP by emailing Judy Schieffler or by calling 479-883-6874.

Get Your Group's Info in Convention Packets

Does your group have a handout or other collateral material that you would like included in convention packets? If so, please contact Lucy Jackson for more information. You can email her or call her at 501-664-2393.

Book Signing at Diocesan Convention

Lynne Spellman, Author of 'Unbolting the Dark: A Memoir'

Lynne Spellman will be signing copies of her book 'Unbolting the Dark' at diocesan convention, during the lunch break on Saturday, Feb. 18. The book explores the pagan and Christian Platonist tradition of turning inward as a way of knowing God. The book is available at the Christ Church (LR) Bookstore and will also be available to purchase at convention. For more information, email Nancy Barber or call her at 501-537-1698.

Upcoming Events
Feb. 12 Bishop visits St. James', Eureka Springs
Feb. 12 Canon visits St. John's, Helena
Feb. 14 Fresh Start
Feb. 17–18 Diocesan Convention
Feb. 19 Bishop visits St. Luke's, North Little Rock
Feb. 26 Canon visits Trinity, Van Buren
March 4 Bishop visits St. John's, Harrison
View the full Diocesan Calendar.

If you have questions or would like to submit information about an event for publication in the Communiqué, email Beth Matthews in the bishop's office or call 501-372-2168.

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Vestments for Convention Eucharist


The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué