Inspiring Fundraisers in Forrest City

good-shepherd-forrest-cityThe children at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Forrest City know how to raise money for a good cause. There are only five of them, ages 6–10, but they managed to raise about $400 this spring to help with the relief efforts following the tornado in Vilonia.Not long after the tornado, the neighborhood around Good Shepherd had a Spring Fling. The children set up a lemonade stand at the church, and people bought lemonade and tea, and also gave donations, all of which was given to the Red Cross.Their success inspired more fundraising at Good Shepherd. The children all want to attend Camp Mitchell and choir camp at Subiaco next summer, but the cost for each family—almost $700 if the child attends both—is a lot for families."So we decided, if the kids want to go, they're going to raise the money," said Tammy Freligh, mother of a 9-year-old boy and regular church volunteer.So starting this fall, Good Shepherd will hold a rummage sale, and the children will also sell homemade tea and hot chocolate mixes for Christmas.

Tell us about some of your congregation's most successful fundraisers in the comments below.

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