Fire at Emmanuel Church in Lake Village


A Message from Bishop Benfield

Emmanuel Church in Lake Village suffered significant fire damage on Monday, when lightning apparently struck the church around noon. The most extensive damage was to the area around the altar and chancel, with smoke and water damage throughout much of the church. A quick response by the local fire department and parishioners kept the building from being destroyed.Yesterday, Jaman Matthews and I went to Lake Village to see the damage and visit with members of the congregation. A representative from Church Insurance has already been onsite, and initial clean-up work will begin this week.The congregation is looking to the future and plans to hold services this Sunday, perhaps at the lakeside immediately in front of the church. Other churches in Lake Village also have volunteered space for services, if it is needed. Supplies for this Sunday's service are being taken to Lake Village later this week.Within the next few days we will better know specific ways other congregations can help, and we will keep you all updated.



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