The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué

The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué

The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas, Weekly Communique

Communiqué #490 April 5, 2012

  Stations of the Cross video

Spend a few minutes this Holy Week revisiting the Stations of the Cross paintings exhibited at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Hope, Ark. Painted by Texas artist Randall M. Good over a seven-year period, the 14 canvases depict the final hours of the life of Christ, from the time he is condemned to die until his body is carried from the cross.




Good Friday Offering

The annual Good Friday Offering, collected in parishes across the country, goes to provide vital tangible support for ministries of education, health care, and peace-building throughout the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. If your church would like to participate, you can learn more and download free materials at the Good Friday Offering web page.

Episcopal Cursillo Leaders Workshop

April 20–22, at Camp Mitchell

If you would like to become more involved in Cursillo, you are invited to this weekend of discussions, talks, worship and singing, eating and celebrating. The cost is $150, which includes housing, meals, and materials. Registration forms are available online. For more information, call Sue Hood at 501-922-4800.

English Tea and Sale

Saturday, April 21, at Grace, Pine Bluff

Grace Episcopal Church in Pine Bluff will host its annual high tea on Saturday, April 21, from 11:30 a.m.–2 p.m. The cost is $7. Come enjoy the food and shop for homemade items to take home. The tea will take place in Milwee Hall at Grace Episcopal Church, 4101 Hazel Street, Pine Bluff. For more information, call 870-534-4980 or 870-535-3852.

Daughters of the King Annual Spring Assembly

Saturday, April 21, at St. Luke's, Hot Springs

This year's theme will be "Spring - A Season of Renewal" and Mrs. Beth Maze will be the guest speaker. Registration will take place Saturday morning from 9:15–10:10 a.m., followed by Holy Eucharist and Renewal of Vows, with Bishop Benfield presiding. Please email Kathy Randel by Monday, April 16, to reserve your lunch. Following a short business session, we will have prayer requests and adjourn at 2:30 p.m.

'Knights in Japan' Fundraiser Dinner and Silent Auction

Sunday, May 6, at Camp Mitchell

Doug and Jenny Knight are gearing up to become Episcopal missionaries in Japan. They will be the first participants from the Diocese of Arkansas in the Young Adult Service Corps. Join the Knights for an evening at Camp Mitchell on Sunday, May 6, at 6 p.m. There will be dinner, live music, and a silent auction to raise funds for their upcoming year of service in Japan. A minimum donation of $20 per person is requested. Please RSVP by email by Friday, April 27. For more information about the Knights' year abroad, visit their blog.

Applications for Keller Fund Grants

Deadline: June 1

The Keller Fund for Mission is now accepting applications for grants to fund mission outreach projects. Grants are typically for less than $4,000, with half of the grants going to projects within the Diocese of Arkansas, half to projects outside the diocese. Priority is given to requests for assistance in the initiation of new programs. Each proposal will be evaluated for its innovative educational nature, realistic goals, reasonable budget, and project activities, including its involvement in the mission of the Episcopal Church. Please email Beth Matthews to request an application.

Upcoming Events
April 10 Fresh Start
April 15 Bishop visits St. Stephen's, Jacksonville
April 22 Bishop visits St. Theodore's, Bella Vista
April 24 Board of Trustees meeting
April 26–29 Province VII Youth Weekend
April 27–29 Happening #27
May 6 Bishop visits St. Paul's, Fayetteville
View the full Diocesan Calendar.

If you have questions or would like to submit information about an event for publication in the Communiqué, email Beth Matthews in the bishop's office or call 501-372-2168.

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Father Jos Tharakan: "A Man of Many Talents"


Young Adult Festival at General Convention