Young Adult Festival at General Convention

The 77th General Convention of the Episcopal Church will take place July 5–12, 2012, in Indianapolis, Ind.The Young Adult Festival at General Convention, July 5–10, is an opportunity for 18–30-year-olds to see and experience the workings of General Convention. With worship, fellowship, workshops, some shared meals, and housing, the festival makes attending and engaging General Convention easy and fruitful.Register online now. Early registration ends April 15.The cost of participation is $275 for a double and $425 for a single. This covers 5 nights of hotel, 5 breakfasts, 2 receptions, 1 celebration dinner, visitor access to General Convention, workshops, worship and all other programming.The Episcopal Church in Arkansas is offering $100 scholarships to 10 young-adult attendees and will take a van from Little Rock early on July 5 and returning late July 10, 2012. If you would like to attend, please email Randall Curtis.  


The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué


Oil of Chrism