Oil of Chrism

Oil of Chrism

The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas

Trinity Cathedral in Little Rock is the recipient of a new baptismal font. This Wednesday at the 5:15 p.m. Holy Eucharist in observance of Holy Week, I will dedicate the font prior to its use for baptisms at the Great Vigil of Easter. 
The blessing of this font is also a reminder to me of the connection that all of us members of the clergy have, and the connection that each of you has with the bishop, as we baptize new people into the household of God. Therefore, at this service on Wednesday I will also bless oil of chrism that will be available for you to use in the coming months as you baptize. It seems appropriate that the blessing of both cathedral font and oil occur at the same liturgy.
We will have oil available for you to use after the service. If you have time and are in Little Rock, you are encouraged to attend the Eucharist on Wednesday and receive some oil following the liturgy. Or you may come by the office later to obtain it. If you want me to bring some of this oil with me when I make my visit to your congregation, simply email Beth Matthews beforehand so that I can have it with me when I travel to your church.
I hope that each of you has a blessed Easter. Continue to preach the good news so that people may come to see the resurrected Christ in their midst and give thanks for the loving kindness of God.

Larry R. Benfield

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