Certify Delegates for Diocesan Convention

Certify Delegates for Diocesan Convention

The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas

Dear <<First Name>>,

Diocesan convention is Feb. 17–18. Each congregation must complete a Lay Delegate Certfication Form online to ensure that your delegates are certified and able to vote at convention. Please complete this form for your congregation and submit it by Feb. 15.

Please remember: This form is simply a list of your delegates and alternates for certification purposes. All delegates must also register individually for convention so that they will have name tags and meal reservations. Individuals can register at the convention web page.


Larry R. Benfield

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The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas
P.O. Box 164668

Little Rock, AR 72216

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The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas · P.O. Box 164668 · Little Rock, AR 72216


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