2011 Diocesan Budget approved

Tuesday the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church in Arkansas met and approved the diocesan budget for 2011 and also reviewed the financial results for 2010.First, the historical part: In 2010 the diocese ended up with a $4,000 surplus based on expenses that totaled $1,344,000. It was thanks to your generous gifts and the hard work of staff members to control expenses that this result was possible.Now, on to the future: In 2011 we have budgeted expenses of $1,392,000. The money that we will spend has been carefully targeted to meet the goals of developing leadership in congregations (particularly among laity in the Delta and clergy leadership across the state), growing congregations, and providing opportunities for young people to find their own ministries in the church. It is a budget that says we will not be satisfied with where we have been, but instead will look to the future and how we share good news with the people we encounter every day.


139th Annual Diocesan Convention, March 11-12, 2011 in Little Rock


Bishop Benfield's Sermon at Holy Trinity, Hot Springs Village, December 5, 2010