24 January 2024
May God be merciful to us and bless us, show us the light of his countenance and come to us. ~ Psalm 67:1
The current rainy and frigid weather reminds me of our dependency on God and our need for one another. We are eager to escape the chilly cold; the careful yet hasty steps we take to keep from falling on ice are both deliberate and measured. We try to be swift and safe all at the same time. We wear protective garments and shoes, lean on supportive fixtures, and employ the help of others to make the necessary progress without fumbling or falling. This is Festina Lente, a Latin phrase that bids us to “make haste slowly.”
In these early days of our life and ministry together, I invite us to “make haste slowly.” We should make haste to love and move slowly with each other in order to cultivate and deepen those connections that will help us discover and accomplish the work that God is calling us to.
We should make haste slowly to build the necessary bonds that will provide the care and support we need from each other when the pain and stress of life challenge our faith and the relationships we cherish.
We should make haste to hold the hand of God; asking to be delivered from our own blindness to the hurt and needs of others and move slowly with them until their wounds find healing and their needs are met.
We should make haste to bless and be blessed by the face of God in each other. The light of God within and around each of us will slowly brighten the day and gently awaken us to the purpose of love. Let us “Make haste slowly” to be that beloved community demonstrated by Jesus.
With Epiphany blessings, I am,
+John Harmon
Bishop of Arkansas
Eve of the Conversion of St Paul, January 24, 2024