Wednesday's Daily Fix

Today's fix is brought to you by "General Convention Three Minutes at a Time," a blog of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine.A great overview of what the issues are, what's been passed, and all the work left to be done:

As General Convention enters its second to the last day a great many resolutions must still pass through one or both houses. Many of the issues that captured the most attention and energy to this point has focused on- Same-sex blessings- the Anglican Covenant- an omnibus resolution concerned with restructuring The Episcopal Church- the 2013-2015 budget- opening all aspects of church life, including the ordination process, to transgendered people- The Episcopal Church’s response to the Palestine/Israel conflict.Here’s where we are on these issues ...

Read the rest.


Same-Sex Blessing Rite Authorized (Provisionally)


Deputies Approve Task Force to Reimagine Church Structure