'Top Ten' Ways to Spend Spring Break

A group of Episcopal young adults from Conway and Little Rock spent the first half of spring break St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Blytheville, working to make the parish building more welcoming to visitors. The group of young adults worked alongside parishioners, painting and redecorating the church's entryway and fellowship hall, landscaping and cleaning up the exterior. 

"It has been meaningful in our ability to both get to know the people of St. Stephen's, worship with them, and to serve them as they work towards welcoming the stranger in Blytheville," said John Musser, a young adult from St. Peter's, Conway.

Olivia Curtis, 7, the youngest participant, said "I liked the trip because it has inspired me to show people the way to serve God." She also liked the ice cream a lot.

This project was funded by the Sharing our Bounty fund for young adult and youth ministry.

For more information on the Top Ten and how you can get involved, visit topten.episcopalarkansas.org.

Story and photos submitted by Randall Curtis, youth and young adult ministry developer for the Episcopal Church in Arkansas.


The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué


Andrew Hybl, Diaconate Ordination