The House of Bishops issues pastoral letter on immigration, September 21, 2010

Para leer la carta en español, haga clic aqui.  Una Carta Pastoral de la Cámara de Obispos.Dear People of God,Throughout our meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, we have reflected on the immigration crisis facing our host state, the United States, and all nations globally. A number of us visited the United States-Mexico border and saw first hand the many troubling and complex issues that face migrants, immigrants, the border patrol, local ranchers, and Christian communities seeking to minister to all of these groups. We are also mindful that similar border issues confront other nations represented in The Episcopal Church, especially countries in Europe, the Dominican Republic and Haiti, and Colombia and Ecuador. Read more . . .


Bishop Benfield's sermon for St. Margaret's and Trinity Cathedral, 12 September, 2010


Sermon given by Bishop Benfield at St. John's, Helena