September Is National Preparedness Month

National Preparedness Month was founded after 9/11 to increase preparedness in the U.S. This year’s National Preparedness Month, sponsored by the Ready Campaign and Citizen Corps, will focus on strengthening communities through public events and online communities.

The Arkansas Episcopal Disaster Relief Team hopes to raise awareness among Arkansas Episcopalians about four important steps:

  1. Be informed about emergencies that could happen, and identify sources of information in your community including the Diocese that will be helpful before, during and after an emergency.
  2. Make a plan for what to do in an emergency. Look at both church preparedness and individual preparedness.
  3. Build an emergency supply kit.
  4. Get involved. Join the Arkansas Episcopal Disaster Relief Team.

Stay tuned! During the month of September, the Arkansas Episcopal Disaster Relief Team will provide information on individual and church planning, preparedness, emergency resources, training and involvement with the Arkansas Episcopal Disaster Relief Team.


Preparedness Infographic


Sandra Curtis' Diaconate Ordination