Presiding Bishop's Opening Remarks

General Convention kicked off yesterday in Indianapolis with PResiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori's opening address, in which she stressed moving from the fear surrounding changes in the church and moving toward creatively reframing, re-imagining and reinventing ourselves:

"We’re in this together – as the full range of Episcopalians, together with our Christian siblings – both those most like us and those who seem most distant – and we have other potential partners for the various parts of the mission God sends us to do. Our task is to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves, in finding and blessing any creative gift that will serve God’s dream. Can we reframe our view? Will those with eyes to see and ears to hear look for the places where God’s creative presence is already at work? God has given those gifts, and we will miss the mark if we ignore them. We will miss all five marks if we ignore the partners and possibilities around us."

Read the entire address.(via ENS)


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