Presiding Bishop Proposes New (Better?) Budget

Yesterday, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori released her own budget proposal [PDF] for consideration at General Convention.

“The heart of this body is mission – both domestic and foreign mission – in partnership with anyone who shares that passion,” Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori states in her Budget Proposal Message. “This Budget Proposal is intended to help us reorient ourselves to that passion, to be true to who we are as the community of the baptized, to come to know ourselves as the friends of Jesus who are sent to heal the world.”

(Read the ENS article about her budget.)Episcopal Cafe has a brief round-up of reactions from the Episcopal blogosphere. To highlight just one reaction to the new budget proposal: Scott Gunn, over at Seven Whole Days, wrote, "Today someone has finally stepped up and offered a budget for the Episcopal Church that makes sense."


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