Disaster Preparedness Training

Saturday, Nov. 1, 10 a.m.–3 p.m., at St. Luke's, North Little Rock

The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas and Arkansas Episcopal Disaster Relief Team are hosting this training to assist parish leadership better understand the USA Disaster Preparedness Initiative and how it works alongside each diocese. Katie Mears, director of ERD's USA Disaster Preparedness and Response, will be the trainer and will focus on resources, best practices, and Arkansas’ local response to disasters.

The registration fee is $10 (includes lunch). Training will include (1) how the USA Disaster Preparedness Initiative works alongside each Diocese, (2) resources for parishes, (3) best practices and (4) updates on Arkansas' local response to disasters

To register, email the Rev. Lorrie Slaymaker. For more information on the Disaster Relief Team, email Ginger Bankston Bailey.


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