Bishop's Discretionary Fund at Work

Earlier this month, the diocesan office received a letter from the Rev. Guillermo Castillo, assisting priest at All Saints' (Todos los Santos) Episcopal Church in Bentonville, Ark."If you remember, I asked you to help repair the road leading to the poor and suffering people in the community of El Cobano, in Santa Ana, El Salvador," the letter began.The Rev. Castillo is originally from El Salvador, and has a long-standing relationship with the community. When the community expressed a need for basic infrastructure, like a road, Castillo saw it as an opportunity for the Episcopal Church in Arkansas to help.He approached Bishop Benfield with the community's request, and the bishop supported the work with money from his discretionary fund."You responded promptly and generously, giving $1,000," Castillo's letter said. "The community of El Cobano and I are very grateful for the generous support you provided … It is a very poor community that has felt blessed and supported."Give now to the Bishop's Discretionary Fund. >>

Durham Bishop Justin Welby Named 105th Archbishop of Canterbury


Greetings from St. Martin's, Fayetteville