Bishop's Day of Formation 2013

Saturday, April 13, 2013
St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Little Rock (map)
with special guest Jenifer Gamber *

The cost is only $60 for an entire congregation. Talk to the leadership at your church about taking advantage of this congregational rate. Then have one person from you congregation complete the registration form below.If not enough people from your congregation are participating to be able take advantage of the group rate, you may also register below as an individual for $10.[Formstack id=1414432 viewkey=u61O2SItlU]

9 a.m. Registration
10 a.m. Welcome by Bishop Benfield and Jenifer Gamber (bio)
10:30 a.m. Session 1 (choose one)
  • A Lenten Contemplative Eucharist: Seated, in the round; grounded in chant and silence. Presenter: The Rev. Lowell Grisham, St. Paul’s, Fayetteville.
  • Abide and Dreamland: Patricia Matthews (Christ Church, Little Rock) has been a founder of these two youth and young adult ministries and will share about starting and working with these communities.
  • Formation Ministries in an ethnically diverse community. Presenter: All Saints', Bentonville.
  • Ministry with Children and Youth, Not to Children and Youth. Presenter: Jeannie Mccabe, St. John's Ft. Smith.
  • Journey to Authenticity. Learn how to bring this five-part series plus one-day adult retreat on starting a discernment/accountability community in your parish. Presenter: St. Paul’s, Fayetteville.
11:30 Lunch
12:30-1:30 p.m. Session 2 (choose one)
  • Confirmation and Praying with Youth and Children. Presenter: Jenifer Gamber. (bio)
  • Feeding Mouths and Souls. Two Saints’ Kitchen is a free meal program in Jonesboro that St. Mark is doing in collaboration with the local Methodist church. Presenter: St. Mark's, Jonesboro.
  • Wednesday Church. This casual, child-friendly, mid-week Eucharist has become a successful and primary Eucharist for many of it’s members. Presenter: St. Paul’s, Fayetteville.
1:45-2:45 p.m Session 3 (choose one)
  • Adult Formation on Sunday with Jenifer Gamber.
  • Starting and Growing Small-Group Ministries. Presenter: Luke Gilbert, St. Mark’s Little Rock.
  • Choral Ministries and Formation. Presenter: Tim Allen, St. Mark's, Little Rock.
3 p.m. Closing Eucharist with Bishop as Celebrant and Jenifer Gamber preaching

Jenifer GamberAuthor of My Faith, My Life and Your Faith, Your Life, Jenifer Gamber leads confirmation classes and prepares candidates for baptism at the Cathedral Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. She serves on the booard of Forma, an association for Episcopal educators, writes for, leads retreats, and speaks nationally about issues related to youth in the church. In her work as an economist she is editor for David Colander and his college-level Principles of Economics textbook and co-author of several supporting economics books.


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