Ark. Episcopal Convention Declares Opposition to HB 1228 and SB 202

The 143rd annual convention of the Episcopal Church in Arkansas, held Saturday, Feb. 14 in Little Rock, passed “A Resolution on the Rights and Dignity of Every Human Being,” which reads as follows:“Whereas Jesus instructs his disciples to ‘love your neighbor as yourself’; and,“Whereas the Episcopal Church respects the dignity of every human being; and,“Whereas the Rt. Rev. Larry Benfield, Bishop of the Diocese of Arkansas, has voiced his opposition to cloaking the desire to discriminate in the language of religion,“BE IT RESOLVED that the 143rd Convention of the Diocese of Arkansas supports the Rt. Rev. Larry Benfield in his position and declares its opposition to Arkansas House Bill 1228, allowing discrimination against gay, lesbian, and transgender people if that discrimination is based on religious conviction; and against Senate Bill 202, barring localities from passing anti-discrimination laws.”The Episcopal Church in Arkansas comprises more than 13,800 members from across the state.


Bishop Benfield Speaks at Vigil


Sara Milford Ordination Photos