An Update from GC79: What Are They Doing Down There?

A reflection from the Rev. Stan McKinnon, a deputy to General Convention:

Before I left for General Convention, one of my parishioners from Grace, who is new to the Episcopal Church, asked me, “What in the world do you do for twelve days at this convention?” I tried my best to explain that General Convention is kind of like the US Congress where the House of Bishops is like the Senate and the House of Deputies is like the House of Representatives, except that we only meet every three years. To which my parishioner said, “Well, I hope you get along better and get more done than our group in Washington, D.C.!”My experience has been one of mutual respect and collegiality with the intent to further the kingdom of God in our efforts as “The Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement,” to quote our presiding Bishop. In addition to our legislative sessions, we are having three joint sessions with the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies to hear presentations and discuss how to implement the presiding bishop’s three-fold initiative for the Episcopal Church.Curry says, “We’re following Jesus into a loving, liberating and life-giving relationship with God, with each other and with the earth.” Evangelism, racial reconciliation, and creation care are the three areas the presiding bishop is asking us to pursue over the next three years. Our deputies and Bishop Benfield are discussing ways we can bring this vision into reality in our parishes and communities in Arkansas.We have all heard the over-used axiom, “form follows function” by the father of the modern skyscraper, Louis Sullivan, where the shape or design of a building should fit its intended purpose. I believe that as we continue in our formation though worship, prayer, and service, we will find new forms of ministry that God will use to make us and our neighbors into the beloved community Jesus has called us to become.


An Update from GC79: The House of Bishops


An Update from GC79: Bishop Benfield