The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué

The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué

The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas, Weekly Communique

Communiqué #486 March 8, 2012


A Video from St. Margaret's, Little Rock

Ash Wednesday 'To Go'

The Rev. Mary Vano, rector of St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Little Rock, took Ash Wednesday to those outside the church, blessing people at a local outdoor mall. Watch the video.




A Top Ten Event

Social Media Safety Webinar

Tuesday, March 13, from 1–2 p.m. online

This free webinar for churches will deal with the most common uses of social media, the risks, and suggestions for developing boundaries and controls. Questions will be taken during the last 10 minutes of the session and other questions will be answered by email or phone after the webinar. Sign up online.

Music in Small Congregations Workshop

Saturday, March 17, at St. Luke’s, North Little Rock

Marilyn Keiser, nationally known teacher in music for small congregations, will lead a free workshop on Saturday, March 17, at St. Luke’s Church in North Little Rock, from 9 a.m.–12 p.m. The first session will focus on music in the small church, and the second session on playing service music in your church. Please email Adam Savacool or call 870-692-9517 before noon on Wednesday, March 14, to reserve your spot.

St. Patrick's Pub Night at Camp Mitchell

Sunday, March 18, from 5:30–8 p.m.

Camp Mitchell will hold its Fifth Annual St. Patrick's Pub Night on Sunday, March 18. A corned beef and cabbage dinner will be served from 5:30–6:30 p.m. Dinner is $17.50 per plate with proceeds going to the Robert R. Brown Scholarship Fund for adults with disabilities. There will be live Irish music from 5:30–8 p.m., as well as games and dancing. You can bring your own adult beverages. Please call Camp Mitchell at 501-727-5451 by March 14 to reserve your space.

St. Patrick's Day Brunch for Women

March 17, at St. Michael's, Little Rock

On Saturday, March 17, women of the Central Convocation of Episcopal Church will gather at 9:30 a.m. for a brunch. There will be food, mimosas, entertainment, and door prizes. The cost is $5. Please RSVP by email by March 10.

"Inner Mystic, Inner Wisdom" Retreat

Saturday, March 24, at All Saints', Russellville

This one-day retreat, led by Bishop Larry Maze, will focus on the importance of making the inner journey and discovering our own inner mystic and inner wisdom. The retreat will take place March 24, from 9:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Please register by March 19 on All Saints' website or call 479-968-3622 to register or for more information.

Episcopal Cursillo Leaders Workshop

April 20–22, at Camp Mitchell

If you would like to become more involved in Cursillo, you are invited to this weekend of discussions, talks, worship and singing, eating and celebrating. The cost is $150, which will include housing, meals and materials. Registration forms are available online. Registration deadline is March 10. For more information, call Sue Hood at 501-922-4800, or B.J. Roy at 870-625-3985.

Centering Prayer Groups

St. Mark’s, Little Rock

Centering prayer is an ancient form of prayer in which one waits in stillness to listen to the voice of God in God’s first language—silence. Experience it for yourself by coming to any of three different Centering Prayer groups at St. Mark’s. The newest group meets Thursdays at 7 p.m. in the church. There are two other Centering Prayer groups: one meets Thursdays at 11 a.m.; the other, Mondays at 4:30 p.m.

Part-Time Youth Minister Wanted

St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, Little Rock

St. Margaret’s, Little Rock, is seeking a part-time youth minister. Candidates should have an energetic spirit, a maturing faith, and a passion for ministry with youth. Demonstrated leadership and organizational skills are required. If interested, please email the Rev. Mary Vano or call her at 501-821-1311.

Upcoming Events
March 11 Bishop visits St. Andrew's, Roger
March 11 Canon visits St. Andrew's, Mtn. Home
March 13 Fresh Start
March 13 Bishop visits Good Shepherd, Forrest City (7–9 p.m.)
March 24 Andrew Hybl, Transitional Diaconate Ordination, Trinity Cathedral, LR
March 25 Bishop visits St. Mark's, Hope
March 25 Canon visits St. Stephen's, Blytheville and Calvary, Osceola
March 27 Executive Council
View the full Diocesan Calendar.

If you have questions or would like to submit information about an event for publication in the Communiqué, email Beth Matthews in the bishop's office or call 501-372-2168.

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Top Ten #1: Get Ready


Ash Wednesday 'To Go'