The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué

The Episcopal Church in Arkansas, Communiqué

The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas, Weekly Communique

Communiqué #478 January 12, 2012

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A School of Prayer

Jan. 21, at St. Michael's, Little Rock

"A School of Prayer," sponsored by the Servant Leadership School of Little Rock and St. Michael's, is a one-day event focusing on a number of prayer techniques and practices. Joseph McHugh, an instructor at the Perkins School of Theology's Spiritual Direction Formation Program, will be the teacher. Tuition is $50 but scholarships will be available. The deadline for registering is Jan. 16. To register or if you have questions, please email Sam Loudenslager or call him at 501-607-2583.

'Art, Pray, Love' Art Show and Auction

Saturday, Jan. 28 at St. Peter's, Conway

St. Peter’s, Conway will host its third annual art show and silent auction on Saturday, Jan. 28 from 6–9 p.m. in the St. Peter’s Parish Hall. Heavy hors d’oeuvres and live entertainment. The cost is $25 per individual, $45 per couple. No reservations or advance ticket purchase required. All proceeds benefit the upcoming medical service trip to Guatemala.

Men of the House Event

Thursday, Feb. 16, at Trinity Cathedral

This is an opportunity for men from across the diocese to come together for fun and fellowship, and to support St. Francis House. The event will take place Thursday, Feb. 16 (the evening before Convention begins) at Trinity Cathedral in Little Rock. The keynote speaker will be Bill Valentine, former general manager of the Arkansas Travelers and a former major league umpire. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit the Men of the House 2012 website.

Winterstar Retreat for Youth

Feb. 24–26 for Senior High, March 2–4 for Junior High

Winterstar, the Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas' annual winter retreat for youth, will take place on two different weekends: Senior high Winterstar will be Feb. 24–26; junior high Winterstar, March 2–4. Both weekends will take place at Camp Mitchell and will begin on Friday evening, with registration at 8 p.m., and end Sunday morning, with a closing service at 10:30 a.m. For more information or to register, visit the Winterstar website.

United Thank Offering Collections Due

It is time to send in any money you have collected in your parish for United Thank Offering (UTO). Please mail a check as soon as possible to ECW state treasurer Mary Ann Arnold at 7321 South Q Street, Fort Smith, AR 72903.

Resolutions & Nominations for Diocesan Convention

If delegates to convention or members of the clergy wish to submit a resolution for consideration by the convention, it needs first to be sent to the Resolutions Committee. Please email the Rev. Danny Schieffler, rector of St. Mark's in Little Rock and chair of the Resolutions Committee, any resolution that you want considered.

There will also be a number of elections at convention. To find out which positions are open and how to nominate someone, visit the convention web page.

Upcoming Events
Jan. 15 Bishop visits St. Alban's Stuttgart, and St. Peter's, Tollville
Jan. 16 Diocesan office closed
Jan. 22 Bishop visits All Saints', Paragould
Jan. 29 Bishop visits Trinity, Pine Bluff
Jan. 31 Board of Trustees meeting
Jan. 31 Executive Council meeting
Feb. 5 Bishop visits St. James', Magnolia
Feb. 5 Bishop visits St. James', Eureka Springs
Feb. 14 Fresh Start
Feb. 17–18 Diocesan Convention
View the full Diocesan Calendar.

If you have questions or would like to submit information about an event for publication in the Communiqué, email Beth Matthews in the bishop's office or call 501-372-2168.

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