Statements from the Rev. Gwen Fry and Bishop Benfield

Episcopal Cafe has released a statement from the Rev. Gwen Fry about the decision to dissolve the pastoral relationship at Grace Church, Pine Bluff:

The Rev Fry:"Last evening at the Vestry meeting at Grace Episcopal Church, the Senior Warden read a letter from the Bishop of the diocese which dissolved the pastoral relationship between the parish and myself. I fully support and agree with the bishop's action of dissolution and believe it was the very best thing to happen for everyone involved. I thank the bishop for his generous and pastoral response in this situation and fully support his decision and leadership in bringing a gracious and holy end to this. I ask that you pray for Grace Church, a church and people that I continue to dearly love. Thank you for your support and prayers. My hope is that someday this will not be newsworthy, or even an issue at all, and people may live as the children of God in all the wonderfully diverse ways there can be."

Read the entire article, including a statement by Bishop Benfield, at Episcopal Cafe.


Grace, Pine Bluff


Ashes to Go 2014