Convention Election Results

On Saturday, Feb. 15, 2014, Diocesan Convention elected the following representatives to committees:
  • Board of Trustees, lay representative: Loyd Swope (St. Paul's, Fayetteville)
  • Board of Trustees, clergy representative: The Rev. Kate Alexander (Christ Church, LR)
  • Executive Council, at-large lay representative: Suzi Freeman (St. Paul's, Fayetteville)
    (The following people were also elected to Executive council in convocational elections: Southeast: Joe Dan Yee (Emmanuel, Lake Village); Southwest: The Rev. Neil Kaminski (Holy Trinity, Hot Springs Village); Central: The Rev. Teri Daily (St. Peter's, Conway).)
  • Standing Committee, lay representative: Jeannie McCabe (St. John's, Fort Smith)
  • Board of Review, lay representative: Wayne Boyce (St. Paul's, Newport)
  • Board of Review, clergy representatives (2): The Rev. Mike Lager (St. John's, Fort Smith) and the Rev. Carey Stone (St. Luke's, NLR)
  • Board of Review, clergy representative (one-year term): The Rev. Danny Schieffler (St. Mark's, Little Rock)
  • Camp Mitchell Board of Trustees, clergy representative: The Rev. Brooks Cato (St. Paul's, Newport)
  • Board of Trustees of the University of the South (Sewanee), clergy representative: The Rev. Jim McDonald (St. Andrew's, Mountain Home)
Diocesan Convention also elect the following Deputies and Alternate Deputies for General Convention:
  • Four LAY Deputies: Thomas Alexander (St. Margaret's, LR); Cheryl Kester (Grace, Siloam Springs); Beth Matthews (Trinity Cathedral, LR); John Tisdale (St. Mark's, LR)
  • Four LAY Alternates: Joshua Daniel (St. Martin's, Fayetteville); Ellen Gray, first alternate (Christ Church, LR); Murdock Jones (Christ Church, LR); Jason Maloy (St. James', Eureka Springs)
  • Four CLERGY Deputies: The Rev. Brooks Cato (St. Paul's, Newport); The Rev. Lowell Grisham (St. Paul's, Fayetteville); The Rev. Jos Tharakan (All Saints', Russellville); The Rev. Mary Vano (St. Margaret's, LR)
  • Four CLERGY Alternates: The Rev. John Drymon (St. Paul's, Batesville); The Rev. Lisa Fry (St. Mark's, LR); The Rev. Jim McDonald (St. Andrew's, Mountain Home); The Rev. Stan MCKinnon, first alternate (Grace, Siloam Springs)

Bishop Benfield's Sermon from Diocesan Convention 2014


An Invitation from SUMMA