Committee Approves A049 - Blessing Same-Sex Unions

Via ENS:

"The General Convention Prayer Book, Liturgy and Church Music Committee approved Resolution A049 to authorize for provisional use of “The Witnessing and Blessing of a Lifelong Covenant” beginning the first Sunday of Advent. The resolution now goes to the House of Bishops for action."The rite, subtitled 'Liturgical Resources for Blessing Same-Sex Relationships,' is part of 'Liturgical Resources I: I Will Bless You, and You Will Be a Blessing,' developed by the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music. Congregations and clergy could use the liturgy with their bishops’ permission.The amended resolution includes a provision that conscientious objectors or supporters of the liturgy not be penalized.

Note that this resolution has only been approved at the committee level so far.Read the rest. There's also an official press release.


Bishops Pass Resolution on Same-Sex Unions


Listen to Monday's Gospel, in Lakota