May God Be Glorified and Jesus Christ Be Praised
May God Be Glorified and Jesus Christ Be Praised 〰️

Acolytes joined Bishop Harmon for the Arkansas Acolyte Festival
We are the Episcopal Church in Arkansas.
From the Ozark Mountains to the Arkansas Delta and everywhere in between, our 54 congregations worship together and seek to discover Christ in one another and the world around us.
Meet the Diocesan Staff
Bishop John T. W. Harmon of the Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas for the invocation at the Little Rock State of the City Address. (18:55)
Oh, how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters, community leaders, and citizens gather together in unity. Let us pray. All mighty God, you have given us this city as a heritage. We pray that we will prove ourselves of people mindful of the good works that is before us. Bless our city with honorable industries, sound learning, and pure manners. Protect us from violence, discord, and confusion. Save us from pride and arrogance. Keep us from every evil. Help us to defend our liberties and fashion us into one united people. In ours, we pray with the spirit of wisdom. And bless our mayor and all who are entrusted with authority of government. That there may be justice and peace among us. Keep Little Rock under your care. This we pray in your holy name. Amen.
The Diocese of Arkansas gives thanks for Cathedral Dean’s election as Bishop.
The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas is pleased to join the Episcopal Diocese of West Missouri
in celebrating the election of The Very Reverend Amy Dafler Meaux as bishop-elect.
To read full letter from Bishop Harmon, click here.
Attending Bishop-Elect Meaux’s Ordination
Saturday, May 3, 11:00am at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral in Kansas City, Missouri
Episcopalians in Arkansas are planning to be present for Amy Meaux’s ordination as a bishop and her seating as the 9th Bishop of West Missouri. The service will take place on Saturday, May 3 at 11:00 am at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral in Kansas City, Missouri.
Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock is making arrangements for travel and for a block of hotel rooms in Kansas City. The service requires tickets, so those interested in attending will need to make plans to do so. If you are interested in attending, please fill out this interest form. Questions? Contact Missy McCain, Parish Administrator of Trinity Cathedral (
From The Living Church publication, Lauren Anderson-Cripps recounts the scaled-down investiture service for Sean Rowe, the Episcopal Church’s 28th Presiding Bishop held in New York on November 2. Further reporting in the news section by Mark Michael outlines Rowe’s plans for reshaping the church’s mission strategy and realigning the church center staff, as outlined at Executive Council’s fall meetings.
Contact Us
310 W. 17th Street
Little Rock, AR 72206
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 164668
Little Rock, AR 72216-4668